How to find your videography niche

Hey — Ben here!

Welcome to the VideoBizGuy!

Today’s email is about how to find your niche in videography.

(in order to specialize and become more clients)

In the last few weeks I’ve seen +10 videographers have found massive success by niching down.

Here’s what you can do to find your niche and take your space…

But first, why exactly should you niche down?

As a videographer you probably take every job opportunity that get’s in your way.

That’s also 100% okay.

Why should’t you, right?

The work you do often lays in different categories.

Some work for restaurants here, some work for dealerships there…

But making yourself a name as a videographer in a specific niche can be the ultimate strategy.

The pros are:

  • Almost no competition when you become the go-to videographer in this niche.

  • Portfolio will seem stronger even if you only had 2-3 clients in this niche.

  • Increasing word of mouth.

  • Easier to grow on socials if you target the correct users fitting to your niche.

Also, your expertise in this niche will grow with every client, which makes your work better and yourself not interchangeable = your perceived worth is higher and you can charge more.. Bingo.

For sure, there are a few cons too:

  • finding the right niche that fits your interested and that has the market need can take time

  • not as much variety, can feel one-sided

  • some niches really have annoying businesses/clients

Yes, it can be hard finding the right niche..

But you will land there eventually.

Also, there are a some shortcuts that will make the search easy.

But before that, let’s take a look at some videographers that found their niche successfully.

3 examples

Here are 3 videographers that work in niches you wouldn’t think of.

Also, you see their work all over social media. Don’t take things to serious and just observe the strategy:

  • Grabo Farming — agricultural videography (mostly tractors and heavy machinery)

  • Victor Fitz — as you know him from last week, he does videography for luxury hotels

  • Cam Meunier — Oh no! why this guru? I’ve seen the discussion on reddit lately. You can critique him on a lot of things for sure, but just focusing on the business aspect — he actually is the videographer for most of the online gurus, which makes this a extremely striving business too. He sometimes even gives valid advice. So if your smart from a business perspective you don’t hate, you just pick out the nuggets which will benefit you and ignore the rest (okay, this probably costs me some subscribers but that’s how you do it..😂)

These are 3 textbook examples on niching down.

They all own their space.

Competing will be very hard, because they own a big part of the audience and have made themselves names.

So, if you are crazy and want to join in one of these niches, maybe do it at least in another region of the world.

How to find your niche

The following questions will guide you in the right direction.

  • Ask yourself, which of your content had the most success?

  • With which type of content did you had the most fun shooting?

  • What where things that you where obsessed with as a child? (e.g. tractors, boats..)

  • If you want to stay at your current location, which types of businesses are well represented in your region? (e.g. luxury real estate, boat rentals, agriculture…)

Additionally, you should always consider the following aspects:

  • Does it match your interests?

  • Do you want to work internationally, nationally or regionally?

  • Is there enough money flowing in these niches? / can they easily afford a videographer + services?

  • Is there any successful example in this niche which had lots of success trough videography? (so you can show it to potential clients, even if it isn’t your work)

Before you fix yourself on any niche, you should always test first.

In the most cases it will be different than you imagined.

In a positive or negative way.

Maybe the clients are too rough or old fashioned.

Or maybe you just don’t like the vibe in this niche.

So go out there and test it.

If you really want to know if the niche is the right one, try to land at least 2-3 deals before deciding.

And really check beforehand that there are enough potential clients available.

If you want to only work regionally and there are only 7 potential clients, this won’t be enough.

If you still haven’t found an interesting niche, here are:

15 niches you can steal

Don’t underrate yourself.

Videographers in exclusive niches aren’t better than videographers in struggling niches.

They just happen to know that they can’t loose when they regularly approach these businesses.

Here’s a broad selection:

  1. Private aviation

    The private aviation business is striving right now. Target plane dealers and private jet charter businesses to film their fleet. They now have much more competition than years ago and are starting to advertise on socials too, because their are so much more young millionaires than you think. And most of them want to fly private…

  2. Architecture firms

    People love architectural content. Already many successful examples here.

  3. Medical and healthcare

    E.g. Private clinics always want more patients. This is especially a great business in the us. Just think about before/after content and how viral these videos go.

  4. Art auctions and galleries

    Great for monthly retainers because there is always new stuff to shoot.

  5. Pet services

    Pets are massiv on socials. That’s a sign to take your place on the table. One of the easiest subjects to go viral with. Also, people spend a ton on their dogs e.g. So these businesses can win a lot from social media.

  6. Fitness Studios and Personal Trainers

    One of the easiest niches to start on the list because they are everywhere + there are always opening new ones.

  7. Spas and wellness centers

    Also quite easy and great to grow local.

  8. Specialty coffee shops

    They are everywhere. The Content isn’t complex to shoot. Because of the massive competition they fight about their customers.

  9. Real estate developers

    They always have the money to pay you easily. If the owner doesn’t hate social media, this can be an easier one too.

  10. Golf courses and clubs

    Perfect for drone footage and beautiful scenes. Just apply what Victor Fitz does for hotels.

  11. Home builders and contractors

    Combine this niche with real estate developers and you have a broad selection of potential clients.

  12. Interior designers

    All of them need social media. Some of them already have massive international followings too. You can easily grow an IG account with your work and win new clients with it.

  13. Wildlife reserves and zoos

    An untapped but great niche if you want to travel a lot while filming. Some drone skills are necessary here.

  14. Luxury yachts and boats

    I know a guy that shoots content for them regularly — they let him lease a boat for free in exchange of filming free content (drone + handheld). If you always wanted to stay on nice boats and yachts, go for it.

  15. Luxury furniture shops

    Ideal in more expensive cities where real estate and design plays a big role. Great for walk ins and simple content presenting new furniture.

In almost all of the niches listed above, you can grow your business just with walk-ins and a well maintained IG page.

It happens way more often that businesses find other businesses to work with through socials than you think.

It’s the whole b2b content landscape.

You will see, many of these business owners are younger and cooler than you think.

Not much of old and grumpy CEOs as your are used to from Netflix or biases.

Now it’s your take. What niche are you choosing?

Content of the week

I just love these FX3 POVs.

Now go out a start approaching!

That’s it for today.

Let me know which niche you choose.

See you next week!

— Ben


Send me a link of your favorite creator in the videography niche.

Yes you.
